Thursday, 13 June 2013


It was standing room only, as 150 residents packed into a Public Meeting to discuss Cheshire East Council's proposals to develop on Macclesfield's Green Belt.  The Macclesfield Express advertised on their website and residents displayed posters in their windows to advertise the meeting... 

The meeting was held just before the end of Cheshire East's consultation on potentially building on Macclesfield's Green Belt.

The meeting was organised and chaired by former Mayor and Macclesfield Councillor David Neilson, speakers also included David Rutley MP, David Bard, Chairman of the Whitney Croft Association and Eileen Furr, who is campaigning against development of the land, East of Fence Avenue

Councillor David Neilson said, "We were delighted with the turn out - I don't think we could have got any more in.  What was clear is that this final rallying call for residents to finish the consultation on a high was hugely successful.  We collected over 100 signatures on the night, adding to the hundreds we have already received.  I presented these to the planning department on Friday.  I'm delighted that residents have got involved with such vigour.  Also, residents have passed on concerns about the way Cheshire East Council handled the consultation.  Residents complained bitterly it was impossible to take part in the consultation on the Council's confusing website." 

David Rutley MP said, "I was pleased to be invited to attend the packed public meeting on 28th May.  It was very clear that there was a unanimous view from the 150 people in attendance that there was no appetite for building on our precious Green Belt, and on the Lark Hall site in particular.  

I fully understand the concerns raised by local residents and I have made strong representations to Cheshire East Council on their behalf.  I will continue to ensure that those views are heard in the weeks ahead.  As the final version of the Local Plan is established, it is critical that more focus should be given to developing Brown Field sites, which are the priority for development in and around Macclesfield."

David Bard, Chairman of the Whitney Croft Association said, "150 people turning up on a bad night was a sign of the unanimous feelings and objections against building at Lark Hall/Swans Pool area. I was pleased to have been able to make a contribution including the problems with access and other amenities if these ridiculous plans go ahead."

Campaigner Eileen Furr who is campaigning against development of the land, East of Fence Avenue told the meeting, "There are no exceptional circumstances that necessitate the rolling back of the green belt ANYWHERE in Macclesfield. Sufficient brownfield sites exist to fulfill all our housing requirements for the next twenty years."

The results are expected in August / September - 

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