Thursday, 13 June 2013


392 and counting!

When Lark Hall Road resident Miceal Barden set up his online petition in early May, his aim was to get as many signatures as possible.  Hundreds of residents have turned to Miceal's Website, appalled at Cheshire East Council's over complicated and almost impossible attempt to consult online.  Your comments have been pass onto Cheshire East Council, along with complains over their website. 

Miceal Barden on May 6, 2013
Comments: Protect the Greenbelt, fields like these help keep Macclesfield green - don't let them destroy the landscape
Name: Nigel Moss on May 6, 2013
Comments: I oppose this proposed building on the Green Belt land which also has been designated as an Area of Special County value. We must do all we can to oppose the motion. To loose this land would be an absolute travesty.
Name: Nigel Dean on May 7, 2013
Comments: There is lots of land which is not greenbelt that could be built on.Of course houses built on greenbelt sell for more ,are easier to sell and more profit can be made.Thats why the developers want it I am sure that the local hospice would loose a lot of support if this went any further as I believe that they own a share in part of this land .Leave this beautiful area alone.
Name: Lorraine Hancock on May 8, 2013
Comments: Greenbelt is green belt and is NOT for building on. I bought my house 2 years ago to look at the wonderful views across the fields to the hills, I did not buy it to look at a load of houses that will ruin the view!
Name: Richard Dixon on May 9, 2013
Comments: This is an area of outstanding natural beauty and in my opinion the ground is unsuitable for development especially as there is a mineshaft. To attach additional houses to the existing estate will put extreme pressure on the estate's entrance and exit.
Name: Gloria Appleby on May 9, 2013
Comments: What about the wild life,will they relocate. Where will the access be, it is dangerous to use direct access and exit onto Buxton Road. Have Cheshire east changed its opinion of the area of being special county value.     
Name: Judith Barden on May 9, 2013
Comments: The ethos of Green Belt designated land is to preserve our countryside- when it's gone, it's gone forever.
John Lamidey on May 10, 2013
Comments: I have lived in the area for 27 years. The infrastructure, particularly the roads, gas, electricity, water supply and sewerage/drainage is very old and dilapidated, the original development being in the 1950s, with no significant upgrade since. I strongly suspect that this development will show up these weaknesses and cause major disruption to the area plus significant unbudgetted costs to put matters right - if that is actually possible. Major infrastructure enhancement for the whole area will be needed and I suspect this has not been costed or examined in the necessary detail. 

Val Pownall on May 10, 2013
Comments: Having lived in the area all my life, I cannot believe that this is even being considered in such an outstanding area - it would be a disaster and would ruin what bit of countryside we have left, and a real disaster for the wildlife
T Whiteley on May 10, 2013
Comments: Another area of beautiful green belt land under threat. Planning Policy states that brown field sites, of which Macclesfield has many, should be developed before any green belt and that green belt should only be developed in exceptional circumstances. With sites such as Astra Zeneca, and other brown field sites being left out of the consultation, the council are not exploring all the options. Gaw End and Tytherington Business Park have been removed from the previous consultation - why? Exceptional circumstances would be needed to justify developing green belt - there are none! 10,000 objections to the last consultation. CEC - are you listening?      

Hayley Diken on May 10, 2013
Comments: I grew up on the larkhall estate and had a wonderful childhood with all the lovely fields around. I have since moved back with my own young family and they love walks over the proposed field looking around the pond. It would be absolutely devastating if they were to build. The amount of traffic it would cause pulling out onto Buxton rd would be ridiculous and what is now a safe estate for young families would not be so safe anymore. Instead of destroying a beautiful spot in Macclesfield why not build on one of the eyesaw spots, ie the derelict factory next to Tesco.

 Kim Wardle-Paylor on May 10, 2013
Comments: I've got 7.5 acres they can buy for building, much better plot and not likely to annoy the neighbours, 

Kathryn Johnson on May 10, 2013
Comments: This area of green space is so valuable to the local community. It is a frequently used resource for local families, many nature walks run around and through the area. The appeal of the area will simply be destroyed. The development will affect so many people and is just not necessary. 


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